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Image by Ivana Cajina

Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn - Benjamin Franklin


"We need to prepare our students for the future, not our present or our past." -John Dewey

This is my number one view about teaching because we cannot change what has happened in the past but we can bring awareness for the future. I am becoming a teacher so that I can open the future minds of our youth to new and challegning perspectives. For example, unlearning the colonial teachings and acting on discrimination towards gendered children. I am making it my job to influence the youth on what a healthy society looks like. From there, we can continue to make a great change by surpassing technical foundations of education as Dwayne Huebner explained. We need to pay attention to the marginalized groups that ultimately need to be protected, supported, and loved. Our society is still quite built on systematic views that have been planted in place but I am learning to undo those practices. I believe that Generation Z has been the most open-minded, accepting, and intellectual society yet. From here we can only go up. 


I believe in learning by doing. Experience is a core teaching strategy because it opens students to view ideas a different way. A white student does not have the same experiences as an Indigenous person and will most likely never experience them. Therefore, as a teacher I should be able to represent all cultural experiences in the classroom. We can benefit from normalizing the different perspectives we have by acquiring new knowledge to help understand each other. If we acknowledge peoples different experiences in social positions, then we will be able to act on equity for all. 


University of Regina


I am a young adult studying at the University of Regina to become and elementary teacher. Growing up I always aspired to teach elementary because of the comfortable atmosphere it brought me. As I study, I continue to realize how important it is to educate our young as they are our future generation. I strongly believe that what we teach and speak in the classroom effects our future mindsets. Therefore, we need to be able to inform and inspire our students in order to grow together as human beings. 


Finishing up my first year in the Education Faculty I have learned various new ways of thinking and viewing the world we live in. I have discovered that currently as a society we have a far way to go. As a child we do not see the world like we do now, life was our own fantasy we created. As adults in society, we have created everything we see and hear about today. Sadly in areas we have not done our best. To fix this is to start teaching new ways of thinking and being to the children of this world. To teach that diversity is a gift we can all benefit from.

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